Energy-from-waste plants (EfW) produce intense heat through combustion and overtime this heat damages the refractory lining of the incinerator.
Why is refractory removal necessary?
As a result of extreme heat inside the fire chamber, the cement starts to break and burn out. This broken cement then needs to be removed but without damaging the hot water pipes that are covered with refractory.
Using conventional methods such as a hammer and chisel runs the risk of the chisel puncturing, or even bursting, the water pipe. If this happens, there is a considerable downtime, the cost of cutting out the damaged pipe, the cost of welding in new pipe, x-raying the welds to confirm that they are correct, and then having to pressure test the pipe with water in to check for any leaks.
Although using the technique of hydrodemolition to remove refractory cement/lining is more expensive than labourers and traditional jack hammer methods, there is no comparison in cost savings.
How is this performed?
Hydroblast perform refractory removal using ultra-high-pressure water jetting to break refractory out of heat exchanger pipework with no damage to the pipework. This method is known as hydrodemolition.
Hydroblast have invested in various robots, robotic frames and pumps to perform safe and effective refractory removal without damaging existing tubes.
– Aqua jet 410 robot
– Aqua jet dual spine
– Aqua jet triple spine
– Conjet nalta
Why choose Hydroblast?
– No risk of damaged tubes
– Cost efficient with less down time
– Safe and effective
– Can be up to 10 times faster than traditional techniques
– Fitted equal distance system ensures there is a consistent distance between nozzle and surface to ensure a consistent power and reduced energy wastage
– Power control module permits operators to work at a safe distance by controlling the robot wirelessly
Get in touch with the expert Hydroblast team for more information.